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Swisstronik, Cosmos SDK çerçevesi üzerine inşa edilmiş bir katman 1 çözümüdür. Ethereum Sanal Makinesi (EVM) ile Cosmos SDK tarafından sağlanan altyapının avantajlarını birleştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu entegrasyon, Swisstronik'in Ethereum uyumluluğu sunarken Intel SGX kullanarak özel EVM yürütme gibi ek özellikler sağlamasına olanak tanır. Neden Cosmos SDK? Cosmos SDK, Swisstronik için temel olarak hizmet eder ve blokzincirinin konsensüs ve ağ katmanları için gerekli bileşenleri sağlar. Ölçeklenebilirlik: Cosmos SDK, geliştiricilerin blokzincir uygulamalarının belirli bileşenlerini optimize etmelerini sağlar, bu da artan işlem hacimlerini performans veya güvenlikten ödün vermeden verimli bir şekilde yönetmeyi mümkün kılar. İnteroperabilite: Cosmos SDK ile geliştiriciler, Birlikte Blokzincir İletişimi (IBC) kullanarak birbirine bağlı blokzincirlerdeki işlevsellikleri ve akıllı kontratları entegre edebilirler, bu da işbirliğini kolaylaştırır ve merkeziyetsiz uygulamalar için olasılıkları genişletir. Bu özellik Testnet 2.0'da uygulanacaktır. Güvenlik: Cosmos SDK, işlemlerin ve verilerin Swisstronik blokzincirinde güvenilir doğrulayıcılar ağı tarafından doğrulanmasını sağlayan, savaşta test edilmiş Tendermint konsensüs algoritmasını içerir. EVM-Modülü Swisstronik, uygulama katmanı olarak bir EVM-Modülü içerir ve geliştiricilerin Ethereum Sanal Makinesi'nden yararlanmasını sağlar ve Ethereum ekosisteminde mevcut olan Hardhat, Solidity, EthersJS, Web3.js gibi araçları sorunsuz bir şekilde kullanmalarına olanak tanır. Bu uyumluluk, Swisstronik üzerinde akıllı kontratlar yazmayı ve merkeziyetsiz uygulamalar geliştirmeyi, Ethereum'dan aşina olduğunuz aynı araçlar ve dillerle yapmanızı sağlar. Ayrıca, mevcut Ethereum akıllı kontratlarının Swisstronik blokzincirine kolayca taşınmasını kolaylaştırarak kod yeniden kullanımını teşvik eder ve geliştirme sürecini hızlandırır.
In this blog post we will explore some of the key challenges developers face when building multi-chain applications, primarily stemming from fragmentation and lack of native, standardized solutions. tl;dr ‍1. Multi-chain dApps are inherently hard to build with 2. Existing solutions are primarily one-size-fits-all and many are tailored toward Ethereum/ Eth L2s. 3. Native multi-chain development is possible with LavaSDK. Building in a multi-chain world Developers in Web3 who build multi-chain face an unequivocal terror: the tyranny of choice. ‍ ‍ Unless you're using a one-size fits all solution in the development of your application, you've likely tried to build a multi-chain app that incorporated several different libraries and plugins. It's a messy affair and the one-size-fits-all solutions are pretty elegant. Unfortunately, most of these solutions are locked into a specific chain architecture (whether Ethereum-bound or particular to another chain). ‍ The irony of the times is that interoperability, cross-chain communication, and transcendental web3 are the future, yet the dev tools for making apps that natively perform these functions are limited or experimental. ‍ A great example of a one-size-fits-all working with Ethereum is Metamask: import { MetaMaskSDK } from '@metamask/sdk'; const MMSDK = new MetaMaskSDK(options); const ethereum = MMSDK.getProvider(); // You can also access via window.ethereum ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts', params: [] }); Expanding beyond Ethereum is tough Many developers who thrive in Ethereum can attest to the utility of such simple interfaces - and the extensibility of being able to continuously develop applications with plug-n-play components (📣 Metamask has even developed a React-UI integration so frontend development is even easier!). The convenience of these types of libraries and SDKs is undeniable… With only a few lines, you can assemble a working app which successfully interacts meaningfully with the blockchain. ‍ But what if you want to live beyond the bounds Ethereum? In most cases, building a multi-chain dApp that has different chain architectures at play is exhausting. The developer experience in web3 involves roping together these different one-size-fits-all solutions to make a unique solution tailor made to the use-case you're attempting to serve. In other words, much of web3 developer experience involves inventing and reinventing the wheel: He's not wrong… No unified standard for web3 Let's imagine you want to build a simple cross-chain application for checking balances. You can, of course, as highlighted above, use Metamask for Ethereum, which is standard fare for developers. Unfortunately, other chains, especially those which are Cosmos-based, will not play nice with Ethereum libraries & tools. It is likely that you will need multiple libraries. Each library has its own set of APIs, documentation, and quirks, which means additional development overhead, technical debt, and time away from your favorite Discord channel. ‍ In the end, developers will need some sort of library/framework/common standard which is native to all of web3, but also chain-agnostic, cross-platform, and interoperable. Web3.js , Ethers.js, and other libraries are impressive in their flexibility, but do not and can not presently meet the aforementioned qualifications. Native multi-chain RPC & indexing with Lava SDK Enter LavaSDK! const { LavaSDK } = require('@lavanet/lava-sdk') async function initializeWeb3() { const web3Handler = await LavaSDK.create({ badge: { badgeServerAddress: "", projectId: "f7c19450ae62f68022713016a4c4ddb6" }, chainIds: ["AXELAR", "AXELART","ETH1","COSHUB","STARKNET","CELO"] }); return web3Handler } (async () => { initializeWeb3() })() Lava SDK solves this issue with surety: 🌐🔗 Multi-Chain - Natively multichain with support for 25+ chains and counting. Switching between chains incurs no additional development cost and multiple chains can be initialized and called upon at the same time. ‍ 🔄🔗Chain Agnostic - Supported chains span various ecosystems, FVM, EVM, COSMOSDK, COSMWASM, NEAR, etc. are all supported. RPC relays can be conducted with a single sendRelay function independent of the target chain or API. ‍ 🔄📡Protocol Agnostic - Access to archival and debug nodes on JSONRPC, fully supported method sets on Tendermint, and nominally rarer protocols like gRPC and Websockets are also fully supported. ‍ 🧩🔗Extensible & Modular - Changes to the network are introduced incrementally through Specification files (a.k.a. "Specs" for short). Specs allow for Web3 APIs, rich APIs, indexing functions all accessible directly from LavaSDK's sendRelay. Anyone can implement support for a new chain/API. Learn more here ‍ 🚫🕵️No MITM - Connections between dApps and Providers is completely peer-to-peer (P2P) with no Man-in-the-Middle. Requests are routed through a decentralized, fault-tolerant network of top-performing providers based upon geolocation, latency, and uptime. ‍ 🛠️🔌Integrations - Popular libraries such as Viem/Web3.js/Ethers.js/CosmJS are supported. You don't need to rebuild your app on LavaSDK to use LavaSDK! See examples on our docs. The SDK is live now 👉🏿 If you've heard enough and want to give it a try - Getting started with LavaSDK is relatively easy- follow our Getting Started Guide. Nevertheless, the problems of Web3 Developer Experience are daunting to even seasoned developers; in a multi-chain world, there's absolutely no shame in looking for better DX than is conventionally available. Collectively, with more tools which transcend the bounds of siloed ecosystems, we can hope for a more interconnected, more interoperable, and more sensibly Web3 world. 🗒️ On another note, Lava Phase 2 brings even more improvements including to our continously improving SDK Beta! Feedback is welcome. Check us out now. About Lava Lava is the first modular data access layer for blockchains. It introduces "specs": a primitive that lets contributors permissionlessly add support for new chains and data services to the base protocol. RPC is the first service supported by the protocol. ‍ Developers get fast, reliable and accurate service, with each provider competing to offer the best service across 30+ chains including Ethereum and StarkNet. The protocol always pairs developers with the best available node and developers benefit from Lava's innovative SDK, offering low latency, peer-to-peer RPC from the browser. ‍ By leveraging modular architecture and a peer-to-peer network of node operators, Lava creates a unified and performant platform for accessing the multi-chain world.
After rigorous testing across multiple Testnets, we are thrilled to announce that BlockX is set to unleash MainNet Beta. Over the past few months, our network has demonstrated lightning speed and unparalleled stability, paving the way for this significant milestone. MainNet Highlights: Our stable network is ready for deployment, with continuous updates and improvements in the pipeline. To ensure smooth integration and minimal service interruptions, any changes or upgrades will be meticulously coordinated with our valued node operators and the broader community. While fully functional and stable, users may experience occasional instability or reduced performance in the initial phases. Post the MainNet Beta: - All balances and transactions on the network will be deemed final post this MainNet Beta. - Staking officially commences on the BlockX Mainnet network. - Staking rewards, Validator rewards, and Delegator rewards will be official and final going forward. Transition Details: Upon the release of MainNet Beta, all users will receive an additional 1:1 Bonus BCX token on the Mainnet network. This bonus will be auto-staked through our staking service, which will be subsequently delegated among validators. The Snapshot of token holdings will be taken within 72 hours from the end of voting. The exact date/time is to be confirmed. Existing Polygon network BCX tokens remain valid, with a future bridge connecting them to MainNet. This means every BCX token holder will witness their total holdings double — for instance, if you currently hold 10,000 BCX on Polygon, you'll receive an additional 10,000 BCX auto-staked on BlockX Mainnet. Initially, bonus auto-staked tokens will be spread between the Genesis Validators by our staking service. Later there will be a Portal to view Auto-Staked tokens and Unstake or view the total holdings including cumulative earnings from Feb 2024 or earlier. Directly staked tokens with validators will already be visible via the explorer ( To directly stake users will have to use the Bridge (pending) polygon tokens to MainNet or unstake the auto-staked tokens via the Dashboard. The issuance of 1:1 Bonus tokens necessitates an adjustment to maintain the proportional ownership as pre-Mainnet. Consequently, the total supply of the chain is set to double, reaching an approximate figure of 1.4 billion tokens. This calculation considers the initial 600 million tokens on the testnet, along with the additional 100 million staking rewards distributed earlier. The resulting total supply is thus twice the sum of these amounts, totaling 1.4 billion tokens. Community Voting Process: Voting for the MainNet Beta release will take place over two weeks on the Testnet network. All BCX token holders on the Testnet are eligible to vote, requiring token delegation. Detailed instructions on voting will be provided separately. Upon a positive vote, we will initiate the creation of the new MainNet network within 2 weeks, while the Testnet will continue its operation. Voting Link: Looking Ahead to the Next Beta: In the next 3–6 months, Phase 2 development is on the horizon, featuring: - Bridge: A bridge connecting to most EVM and Cosmos networks. We are discussing with Axelar and various other partners along with an internal bridge. - Applications: Partner applications in DeFi, GameFi, and other verticals joining the network will become operational. - New Governance and Stress Testing: Stress testing the network and introducing governance architecture updates, with code open-sourced for community contributions, promoting full decentralization. - BlockX Wallet: The release of a new BlockX wallet, available on mobile and web platforms, simplifying staking in BlockX and offering various services, including bridge, swap, and off-ramp/on-ramp functionalities. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to revolutionize the blockchain landscape with BlockX! More links and resources: Vote for MainNet: Website: Linktree: Run A BlockX node: Documentation: Buy BCX (BlockX Chain native token) with Cards/Fiat : Buy BXVX (BlockX Venture Studio Fund token) with Crypto:
In the era of rampant digital disinformation fueled by the relentless evolution of deepfake technology, the world faces a critical challenge in discerning truth from fiction. As fake news, morphed images, and manipulated videos continue to proliferate on social media platforms, the need for effective solutions becomes more urgent. This article explores the nature of deepfakes, governmental and technological responses, and the potential role of verifiable credentials and decentralized identity in mitigating this burgeoning threat. What are Deepfakes? Deepfakes, products of artificial intelligence applications, seamlessly blend, replace, and superimpose images and videos to create content that appears authentic. These manipulations fall into categories such as audio, text, video, and image deepfakes, each posing unique challenges to the authenticity of digital content. The consequences of deepfake technology extend beyond mere misinformation, eroding trust in institutions, manipulating public opinion, and amplifying societal divisions. Global Responses to Deepfakes Governments worldwide are acknowledging the threat posed by deepfakes and are actively engaging with key stakeholders to formulate strategies. Legislative measures, such as California's Anti-Deepfake Bill, place responsibility on tech companies to combat the spread of malicious deepfakes. International discussions, exemplified by the recent talks between India's IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw and social media platforms, underscore the global awareness and concern regarding the impact of deepfake technology. Major tech industry players, including Facebook, Google, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft, have joined forces in the Deepfake Detection Challenge. While motivated by the pursuit of public good, these tech giants are also cognizant of potential legal and regulatory ramifications surrounding deepfake technology. Tech Giants' Initiatives Efforts to combat deepfakes include the development of robust detection mechanisms employing sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence. However, the constant innovation by forgers to outsmart detection systems underscores the need for a multifaceted approach. Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identity In the battle against deepfakes, emerging technologies like verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers offer a promising avenue for safeguarding digital integrity whilst maintaining privacy for security reasons, especially in the case of whistleblowers. Verifiable credentials enable the issuance and verification of information in a secure and tamper-resistant manner. This technology ensures that the authenticity of digital content can be verified, offering a potential solution to the challenges posed by deepfakes. Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers: A Technical Deep Dive Verifiable Credentials (VCs) Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are a key component of the emerging field of decentralized identity. They provide a way to express and prove claims about an entity (such as a person, organization, or device) in a secure, tamper-evident, and privacy-preserving manner. VCs are typically comprised of three main components: Issuer The entity that creates and issues the verifiable credential. This could be a government, educational institution, employer, or any trusted organization. Holder The entity to whom the verifiable credential is issued. For example, an individual receiving a digital diploma or a professional certification. Verifier The entity that relies on the verifiable credential to make informed decisions. This could be a service provider, an employer, or any entity seeking to verify the authenticity of the presented information. Decentralized Identifier (DiD) Decentralized Identifiers (DiD) is a concept that emphasizes giving individuals and entities control over their digital identities without relying on a central authority. It leverages blockchain and distributed ledger technologies to provide a secure, transparent, and privacy-centric identity management solution. DIDs are unique identifiers that are not tied to a centralized registry but instead are anchored on decentralized networks. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) plays a crucial role in setting standards for Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identity. W3C's Credential Community Group actively collaborates on defining specifications and standards that ensure interoperability and security in the implementation of VCs and DIDs. The goal is to create a universally accepted framework that can be implemented across various platforms and technologies. How Verifiable Credentials Combat Deepfakes Verifiable Credentials can be a powerful tool in combating deepfakes by introducing a layer of trust and authenticity into digital interactions. Here's how: Authenticity Verification Verifiable Credentials enable the inclusion of cryptographic proofs, ensuring that a trusted entity issues the credentials. When presented, these credentials can be cryptographically verified by the recipient, establishing the authenticity of the information, whilst ensuring privacy for the content creator; if required Tamper Resistance VCs are designed to be tamper-resistant. Any attempt to alter the information contained within a verifiable credential would break the cryptographic integrity, making it immediately apparent that the credential has been compromised. Selective Disclosure With VCs, individuals have control over what information they disclose. This means that personal information can be shared selectively, minimizing the risk of deepfake manipulation, where an entire identity is fabricated. Decentralization for Trust By leveraging decentralized identity, the reliance on a single, centralized authority for identity verification is reduced. This decentralized approach makes it more challenging for malicious actors to manipulate or forge credentials at scale. Example Scenario Consider a social media platform that wants to verify the authenticity of user-generated content to combat deepfake proliferation. Users can attach verifiable credentials to their content, certifying the source and authenticity of the information. These credentials, anchored on a decentralized identity system, are cryptographically verified by the platform. In this way, the platform and its users can collectively build a more trustworthy and secure environment, mitigating the impact of deepfake content. In conclusion, the technical foundations of Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identity, championed by standards set by organizations like W3C, offer a robust framework for combating deepfakes and fostering a more secure and trustworthy digital ecosystem. Hypersign's Verifiable Credential Technology Hypersign has built verifiable credentials and decentralized Identifier technology from the ground up following self-sovereign identity principles outlined by W3C, and the Hypersign technology stack is recognized by the World Wide Web Consortium. We have discussed our Verifiable credentials technology in detail in this article. About Hypersign Hypersign is an innovative, permissionless blockchain network that manages digital identity and access rights. Rooted in the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Hypersign empowers individuals to take control of their data and access on the internet. It provides a scalable, interoperable, and secure verifiable data registry (VDR) that enables various use cases based on SSI. Built using the Cosmos-SDK, the Hypersign Identity Network is recognized by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), promoting a seamless and secure identity management experience on the Internet. Contact us today to understand how Hypersign can help you deploy the Verifiable Credential layer in your existing ecosystem without any disruption. [email protected] Hypersign | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | GitHub
The fusion of artificial intelligence and human expression has birthed a transformative epoch. At the forefront stands, pioneering a revolutionary era in voice synthesis that transcends the confines of traditional limitations. This groundbreaking AI-powered Platform is not just redefining the way we perceive artificial voices; it's granting companies the unprecedented power to craft their brand identity and unique voice without the shadow of copyright constraints. ♻️By leveraging advanced AI technologies, is reshaping the very essence of voice cloning and generation, empowering businesses to resonate authentically in the crowded and competitive digital sphere. ♻️The 'Voice of Community' is reshaping the very fabric of brand identity within the evolving Web 3.0 landscape. This revolutionary creation harnesses the power of cutting-edge AI technologies, offering a gamified experience that spotlights the transformative potential of voice cloning in our digital epoch. ♻️At its core, 'The Voice of Community' empowers companies to forge a truly unique synthetic voice — a fusion born from the diverse vocal contributions of the company's community members. Leveraging advanced AI technologies such as Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, this pioneering platform heralds an era ripe with creative possibilities. ♻️Another facet of the same technology can bring into the public conscience the possibility of cloning for the digital purpose of your voice, with whom you can speak in any language or you can use it to generate via text-to-voice apps an immense amount of audio content. Voice cloning and generation have swiftly captivated public attention, driving a collective eagerness to explore and leverage this cutting-edge technology. However, accessibility remains a hurdle, often confined behind a prohibitive paywall. Understanding Voice Cloning Voice cloning, a technique driven by AI and machine learning, delves into the intricate analysis and replication of human voices. Recent strides in AI and neural networks have propelled this technology to a point where cloned voices seamlessly mimic real human voices. The Steps to Cloning Your Voice ✅Record Your Voice: Utilize the provided recording app to capture the nuances of your voice, forming a dataset for AI model training. ✅Upload Your Voice: Share your recorded material, a crucial component for training AI models in voice synthesis. ✅Leverage Your Cloned Voice: Once successfully cloned, your voice integrates within the Humans Blockchain for AI, granting access to the AIverse. Here, text-to-speech technology empowers the generation of new audio content. ✅Applications of Cloned Voices Your cloned voice holds the key to diverse opportunities, including: ✅Voice-over Endeavors: Rent or sell your voice to studios for movies or games. ✅Crafting Commercials ✅Podcast Creation ✅Tailored Social Media Messaging ✅Tutorial Development AI in Creating Artificial Voices leverages sophisticated AI neural networks and NLP techniques through Talkens AI to generate speech without extensive pre-recording. Initially, the team employed interpolation between two voices, adjusting coefficients to resemble one of the starting voices. Later, combining three or four voices simultaneously altered this approach, creating voices with varied characteristics. Another avenue explored involved generating new voices by modifying pitch and speed of pronunciation, enabling a spectrum of voice variations. Deep learning, AI, and machine learning played pivotal roles in this development, transforming text inputs into audio messages through multiple deep learning models. A Case Study: The Kaufland Voice An exemplary case highlights the synergy between and Kaufland Romania, where extensive voice recordings from employees were processed using exclusive AI algorithms and custom voice cloning techniques. These diverse voices coalesced through proprietary AI models, birthing a unique synthetic voice activated solely by text input — a testament to the innovation at play. In conclusion, the fusion of AI-driven voice cloning and generation, as witnessed through's pioneering strides, not only revolutionizes brand identity but also democratizes access to transformative technology within the Web 3.0 paradigm. It marks a seminal juncture where voices, once confined, now resonate diverse narratives, reshaping the digital frontier as we know it.
We're thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking collaboration between Andromeda and Shade Protocol, built on Secret Shade is integrating with Andromeda as our FIRST Cosmos DEX, to offer their users an unparalleled opportunity to utilize $ANDR tokens in trading, swapping, yield farming, and more. Shade Protocol is an array of connected privacy-preserving DeFi applications built on the Secret Network. These key applications are stablecoins, governance, bonds, staking derivatives, insurance, synthetics, lending, DEXs, and more. Using the power of the Secret Network's tech stack via privacy-preserving contracts, all of the key Shade Protocol DeFi applications inherit the properties of programmable privacy, while protecting users' financial data. The benefits of partaking in a DEX liquidity pool are many, but there are three that stand out to us: Community Joining forces with Shade to fuel a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) liquidity pool is an exciting stride for the Andromeda community. This strategic partnership grants our dedicated supporters exclusive access to the $ANDR token before it debuts on centralized exchanges (CEX). It's our way of expressing profound gratitude to the community that has stood by us, steadfast and supportive, throughout our remarkable journey. By providing early access to the $ANDR token through this DEX liquidity pool, we aim to prioritize and reward the unwavering commitment of our community members, offering them a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of Andromeda's evolving narrative. To our community: Your support has been instrumental, and this partnership is a testament to our shared journey toward a decentralized and innovative future. Thank you for being an integral part of Andromeda! Exposure and Adoption By integrating into a popular DEX through this collaboration, Andromeda significantly amplifies its visibility within the crypto space. Joining this liquidity pool not only enhances accessibility for existing supporters but also introduces the $ANDR token to a diverse and expansive audience. This partnership opens the door for engagement with users who actively participate on the Shade platform, broadening the project's reach and cultivating a community of diverse stakeholders. This move aligns with Andromeda's commitment to innovation and inclusivity, ensuring that the project's narrative resonates with an ever-expanding audience in the dynamic landscape of decentralized finance. Increased Liquidity Through the strategic contribution of tokens to the $SHD / $ANDR liquidity pool, Andromeda actively bolsters the overall liquidity of the trading pair. This infusion of liquidity, not only facilitates smoother transactions but also reduces slippage, allowing users to buy or sell $ANDR tokens with greater ease and efficiency. The increased liquidity aims to minimize the impact of market orders on the token's price, providing a more stable and user-friendly trading environment. Users will need to swap some $ANDR tokens into $SHD before entering the liquidity pool. They can enter other liquidity pools by swapping other tokens but the only Andromeda pool is $SHD / $ANDR. This partnership with Shade underscores Andromeda's commitment to enhancing the liquidity infrastructure of its native token, creating a more vibrant and accessible ecosystem for both seasoned and new participants alike. Shade users will be able to swap their $ANDR for over 40 privately wrapped tokens including: $SHD $SILK $SCRT $wstETH.axl, $WETH $WBTC $TIA $KUJI $dYdX $FINA $stkATOM, $qATOM, $ATOM Save the Date: Twitter Space on Friday, December 21st at 5PM UTC/ 12 PM ET! Join us for an insightful discussion with the Andromeda team, and Shade Protocol, hosted by Secret Network. We'll delve into the details of this pioneering partnership and address your burning questions. You can RSVP here. Stay tuned as we release more details, incentives, and updates for the Shade DEX liquidity pool. And once again, thank you to the Andromeda community! About Andromeda Andromeda is an all-on-chain suite of products, tools, and utilities enabled by a decentralized operating system called aOs, or the Andromeda Operating System. aOS is designed to make Web3 simpler and building on-chain Easier, Better, Faster. aOS allows users, creators, and developers to rapidly build dApps, dropping development time from months to minutes. Developers can compose ADOs and dApps across the Cosmos Ecosystem and beyond to maximize their total addressable market and interoperability with the best Web3 projects and purpose-built blockchains. aOS is where Web3 starts. Introducing aOS Community Testnet Website Twitter Discord Telegram Disclaimer Andromeda and its partners are new and experimental technologies. This article does not constitute investment advice and is subject to and limited by the Andromeda disclaimers, which you should review before interacting with the protocol.
To join the refback system, you first need to become a member of our website. Click on the "Register" button located in the top right corner of our site to initiate the registration process. After filling out the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the confirmation email to activate your account. Access our Stakeback page and stake on the validators on the page. After successfully completing the stake process,copy your wallet adress and click on your username in the upper right corner of our website to access the 'Account Details' page. On the opened page, paste your wallet address, to which you staked your validator, into the designated field, and click the 'Save' button. You can earn multiple rewards by staking to our multiple validators. That's it! You are now ready to receive refunds for the transactions you make on the exchange! How can I view my balance? Navigate to the 'Withdraw' page from the 'Rewards' tab in the top menu. "You can see your balance on the left sidebar" You can also create a withdrawal request by clicking the 'Open Request' button on the same page. Payments are made within 0-48 hours depending on the workload after withdrawal requests are created. When creating a request, specify which token(s) you want to withdraw and provide the relevant wallet addresses. Account security is entirely your responsibility. The team cannot access any information about you and will not share it with third parties. Therefore, to avoid any balance loss, you should ensure the security of your account and password. We strongly recommend enabling 2FA authentication in your profile's security settings!
To join the refback system, you first need to become a member of our website. Click on the "Register" button located in the top right corner of our site to initiate the registration process. After filling out the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the confirmation email to activate your account. Access the refback page and register with the exchange you want through our links. After completing your registration with the exchange, copy your UID number and click on your username in the upper right corner of our website to access the 'Account Details' page. On the opened page, paste the UID code of the exchange you registered for into the relevant field and click the 'Save' button. You can register for multiple exchanges and receive refbacks for multiple exchanges. That's it! You are now ready to receive refunds for the transactions you make on the exchange! How can I view my balance? Navigate to the 'Withdraw' page from the 'Rewards' tab in the top menu. "You can see your balance on the left sidebar" You can also create a withdrawal request by clicking the 'Open Request' button on the same page. Payments are made within 0-48 hours depending on the workload after withdrawal requests are created. Make sure to provide your USDT-TRC20 address! Account security is entirely your responsibility. The team cannot access any information about you and will not share it with third parties. Therefore, to avoid any balance loss, you should ensure the security of your account and password. We strongly recommend enabling 2FA authentication in your profile's security settings!
Hey there, dear friend! Buckle up for a mind-blowing journey as we unveil the latest and greatest from the extraordinary world of In case you missed it, let's rewind to the end of Q2. Brace yourself for some groundbreaking news: has accomplished what few crypto projects have dared to dream. We proudly present to you our very own blockchain! 🌐✨ With an awe-inspiring team of developers, we've crafted one of the most promising and revolutionary blockchains known to humanity—the astounding Blockchain of AIs. 🤖💥 It's the culmination of our ambitious mission, which began nearly two years ago when we embarked on this captivating adventure. But wait, there's more! Our triumph has reverberated across the globe, capturing the attention of specialized publications and even the mainstream media. The world now knows that our grand Blockchain of AIs launched. 🌍📣 And remember, we promised to keep pushing the boundaries. We're committed to constructing an environment where AIs can flourish ethically, safely, and transparently. The Humans ecosystem, powered by the mighty $Heart AI Token, aspires to democratize artificial intelligence. 🌱🔒🌈 Imagine a future where anyone—yes, even you—can own, control, or invest in AI. A world where researchers and developers can monetize their ingenious creations by tapping into the immense potential of the infrastructure. 💡💼💰 Hold onto your seats because there's more in store! We can't forget about you, our amazing community! Prepare yourselves for another round of staking. We've got something special cooked up just for you. Find all the juicy details in this edition of our electrifying newsletter. ⚡ Let's conquer new horizons and forge a future where humans and AIs coexist harmoniously. The adventure has only just begun, and we're ecstatic to have you on board! Stay tuned for more mind-expanding updates. Until then, keep dreaming big, my friend! Yours in the marvels of technology, The Team 🌟 🚀 Live Event: Oxford University hosts Romania's AI Government Adviser robot ION In a historic event, the world's first AI government adviser, the ION AI robot, created by as part of the Romanian AI initiative, took center stage at Oxford University. The prestigious institution hosted a special session titled 'Advancing Governance with AI: Exploring Romania's ION Project,' where Oxford researchers engaged in thought-provoking conversations about the potential of AI in enhancing governance. Read more → 🚀 Humans OnAIr Podcast In a new episode of the Humans OnAIr Podcast, our colleague and host Bart Veenam invited a special guest: Gabrielė Poteliūnaitė, Investment Manager at Heartfelt / APX. We are not going to tell you what the two discussed, so you would do well to listen to the podcast entirely. Take our word for granted, especially if you want to discover the world of startups and the investment wave VCs are riding these days. Read more → 🚀 Launching a new pre-staking program with 37% APR 📈 The new pre-staking program will officially launch on 18 July 2023 and will implement a locked rewards system. All rewards will be locked for 3 months. We call this the last pre-staking program because once the Synapse Blockchain Bridge will be launched, you will be able to stake natively on the Humans Blockchain. Read more →
Technical Updates A governance proposal for a node upgrade has been put forward and submitted to the Hypersign Identity Network ( This upgrade introduces a vital feature, conceptualized from our customer feedback, who is using Hypersign's Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) to construct a Web3 Reputation System. The new feature mandates that a blockchain address already associated with a DID Document cannot be added to another DID Document unless it's removed from the original DID Document or the said Document is deactivated. This approach effectively prevents the possibility of dual reputation scoring for DID Documents. Recognition We are excited to announce a significant achievement for Hypersign — our did:hid method has been officially recognized and accepted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This demonstrates our unwavering commitment and continuous efforts to broaden the scope of W3C DiD core specifications to cover Web3 use cases. W3C's acceptance of the did:hid method aligns with Hypersign's mission to empower the web3 ecosystem by creating technology that helps manage self-sovereign identity in a decentralized way. It reaffirms our contribution to the evolution of digital identity management and further solidifies our position as pioneers in the SSI and Blockchain field. For more information about W3C DiD methods, visit Outreach As the month began, Hypersign was gearing up for a long-term initiative called Hack:DiD. This innovative hackathon is a cornerstone of our mission to empower the web3 ecosystem through education and the growth of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) knowledge. Hack:DiD is a hackathon launched by Hypersign in association with Dojima Network; a hackathon is a two-month event between 10th June and 15th August. Bengaluru Workshop — 10th June Our journey began in Bengaluru, the heart of India's tech hub. This is where we kicked off Hack:DiD with a grand inauguration. The Hypersign team, in collaboration with Dojima and our workspace partner Bhive Workspace, ignited the spark for this exciting journey. The workshop in Bengaluru was filled with memorable moments and engaging discussions. Images from the Bengaluru workshop here: This marked the start of a succession of IRL developer workshops across major cities in India aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of SSI in the web3 ecosystem. Hyderabad Workshop — 17th June The second workshop took place in Hyderabad. The city's dynamic tech environment provided the perfect backdrop for another successful Hack:DiD event. Images from the Hyderabad workshop here: Mumbai Workshop — 24th June The momentum continued to build as we moved to Mumbai for the third workshop. The enthusiasm and innovative spirit of the attendees were palpable during the session. Images from the Mumbai workshop here: Delhi Workshop — 1st July We concluded our series of workshops in Delhi, where the excitement for the Hack:DiD hackathon reached new heights. We've captured some of the best moments from this session: After the successful completion of these workshops, a significant milestone was reached on the 4th of July. On this day, the Hypersign and Dojima teams convened to launch the Hack officially:DiD hackathon on the Dorahacks platform. Hack:DiD was kicked off with an opening ceremony on 4th July; you can view it here in case you missed it: hack:DiD Opening Ceremony | Hackathon for Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Adoption Welcome to hack:DiD Opening Ceremony!Date: July 4th, 2023Time: 12:00 PM UTChack:DiD details… The hackathon is open to all online, and developers are invited to start submitting their projects. As we stand today, it's game time! We're thrilled to see the energy and ingenuity of web3 developers working towards devising solutions for various use cases. As we journey through this hackathon, we're leading the way in exploring cross-chain dApps and self-sovereign identity principles using decentralized identifiers, verifiable credentials, and Zero-knowledge proof. Stay tuned for more updates on this thrilling adventure! About Hypersign Hypersign is an innovative, permissionless blockchain network designed to manage digital identity and access rights. Rooted in the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Hypersign empowers individuals to take control of their data and access on the internet. It provides a scalable, interoperable, and secure verifiable data registry (VDR) that enables various use cases based on SSI. Built using the Cosmos-SDK, the Hypersign Identity Network adheres fully to W3C DID specifications, promoting a seamless and secure identity management experience online. Hypersign | Fyre | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | GitHub
Hello Gitopia Community, As the second quarter of 2023 draws to a close, we're excited to take a moment and reflect on the key accomplishments and significant strides we've made together in these past few months. From the highly anticipated Gitopia mainnet launch to various updates and improvements across Gitopia, we've seen tremendous progress and success in our mission to revolutionize code collaboration. This community update will touch upon our successful mainnet launch, liquidity launch, major chain and web improvements, Interchain bounties, and rewarding participation in the Game of LORE. Let's delve into the details. Mainnet Launch Recap The Gitopia mainnet has been fully operational since 17:05 UTC on May 17. Our journey to mainnet was an exciting and important milestone for the Gitopia community. It was marked by careful planning, thorough testing, and community-driven development, leading to our successful mainnet launch. Let's take a step back and highlight the key events in our path to this pivotal moment. May 6: Proposal to Halt the Testnet - A necessary proposal was put forward to halt the testnet, initiating the transition towards the mainnet. May 8: Testnet Halt and State Export - At block height 9,465,100 of the Janus testnet, we halted operations and exported the state. May 9: Mainnet State Published - The Game of LORE rewards were added to the genesis, and the pre-genesis state was published to the mainnet repository on GitHub. May 9-14: Mainnet GenTx Submissions - Validators submitted a GenTx as a PR to the mainnet repository to participate in the genesis ceremony. May 14: GenTx Submission Window Closes - GenTx transactions were collected, and the final genesis.json was pushed to the main repository. May 15-16: Validator Preparation - A two-day buffer was provided to validators to prepare their nodes for the mainnet launch. May 17: Mainnet Launch - With the validators ready and the system tested, the Gitopia mainnet was launched successfully. Our validators, particularly those who had been part of the testnet, played a crucial role in this successful launch. The genesis ceremony was instrumental in setting up the foundations of the Gitopia blockchain and enabling the creation of the initial validator set. As we now operate as a fully functioning mainnet, we are excited for what the future holds for Gitopia. Reflecting on the Game of $LORE As we conclude the second quarter of 2023, it's fitting to look back on one of the key milestones in our journey thus far - the Game of $LORE. This incentive mechanism has been instrumental in fostering the growth and development of the Gitopia ecosystem, rewarding those participants who made significant contributions to our Janus testnet. The $LORE, central to this mechanism, embodies the essence of Gitopia. More than just a token, it represents our philosophy of shared learning, growth, and collaboration - the foundational elements of our thriving community. Recognizing Our Contributors The strength of any community lies in the commitment and effort of its contributors. In the spirit of this principle, we were delighted to acknowledge and reward our diligent contributors with $LORE: An impressive 44,917 contributors received tokens, setting a positive tone for our reward mechanism. From this pool, 19 standout participants each received the maximum reward of 10,000 $LORE, in recognition of their exceptional contributions to the Game of $LORE. Honoring Our Validators Our validators play a crucial role in maintaining the network's stability and integrity: We were pleased to award $LORE to 297 validators for their tireless service to the network. Among these, three standout validators were awarded the maximum reward of 10,000 $LORE, highlighting their exemplary performance. The Game of $LORE successfully culminated, yielding an inspiring tally of participants and a generous distribution of $LORE: A total of 45,084 participants were awarded with $LORE, marking an exciting conclusion to the Game of $LORE. 1,842,062.3285 $LORE tokens were disbursed in total. The successful execution and conclusion of the Game of $LORE, alongside the distribution of rewards just before our mainnet launch, added momentum to Gitopia's continued progress. Gitopia's Liquidity Launch In an exhilarating series of events, we at Gitopia did our liquidity Bootstrapping, bringing liquidity to the markets using StreamSwap and Osmosis. The journey, which unfolded over several days in May and June, was not just an exciting time for us at Gitopia, but a major milestone for our ever-growing community. Here's a look back at our roadmap during this critical period: 24th May: We submitted a community proposal for StreamSwap transfer and initiated an education space to familiarize our community with the upcoming roadmap. 25th May: We went live with the proposal for Osmosis LP funds and LP LORE incentive gauge. 1st June: The Bootstrapping Phase on StreamSwap started, running for a full 48 hours. During this phase, the community deposited their $OSMO to subscribe to the stream and acquire $LORE. The proposal to unlock $LORE transfers on Gitopia went live during the same time. The voting period lasted for 48 hours, during which we encouraged our community members to participate and voice their opinion. 3rd June: As soon as the bootstrapping phase ended, we began the Streaming Phase on StreamSwap, which lasted for 4 hours. During this phase, the excitement in our community was palpable as $LORE started to make its way to its supporters. Simultaneously with the end of the Streaming Phase, Osmosis LP creation took place and funds were strategically added on both sides. This marked a critical point in our roadmap. $LORE transfers were also unlocked on the same day after the proposal passed. Note However, we experienced a few bumps along the road. Our IBC relayer with Osmosis encountered an unexpected freeze, causing a temporary halt to transfers between Gitopia and Osmosis. We quickly initiated a proposal to resolve this issue and unfreeze the relayer, maintaining transparency with our community throughout the process. Thanks to our community's understanding and patience, the issue was resolved after the proposal was passed, and transfers resumed two days later. These events represented significant milestones in Gitopia's journey and illustrated the power of community involvement in shaping our future. As we continue to innovate and evolve, we're grateful for the support and active participation of our community. Interchain Bounties: In our continuous efforts to foster an open-source culture, we've added Bounties to issues in our repositories. More than 40 bounties, worth roughly 100K in $LORE, are now up for grabs. Interchain Bounties are an innovative feature that allows users to crowdsource help for issues in their project's repositories on Gitopia. These bounties can be funded by the project or external organizations and are meant to incentivize developers to work on the project and help improve it. How it Works: Users can create issues, attach any IBC-compatible tokens as bounties to it, set a deadline, and invite meaningful contributions for a project. The project maintainer can then assign the issue to a contributor. Once the contributor's pull request linking to that issue is merged, attached bounties are automatically released to the contributor. To start with, we have added support for $OSMO in bounties. Now, project maintainers can add $OSMO apart from $LORE to incentivize contributions to their repositories. Support for other tokens will be added in a phased manner. Moreover, we are thrilled to share that the first $LORE bounty has been claimed! Get all the details here. There are many more bounties waiting in Gitopia DAO repositories, so hurry up and claim your bounty before they're all gone! This initiative reflects our commitment to a decentralized ecosystem, encouraging more contributors and enabling projects to leverage these tools. Remember, this is just the start, and we plan to add more bounties in the future, further rewarding open-source contributors for their efforts. To explore and contribute to the repositories, follow these links: gitopia: gitopia-web: git-remote-gitopia: For a step-by-step tutorial, check out the Interchain Bounties Tutorial and the Official Documentation. Other Updates: We shared an in-depth Twitter thread that articulates Gitopia's mission, vision, and guiding principles. This thread exemplifies our belief that Gitopia isn't just a platform - it's a movement towards a more inclusive, transparent, and decentralized future for code collaboration. We continue to value your feedback, ideas, and active participation as we shape the future of Gitopia. Gitopia has been integrated into the Keplr Wallet, providing a smoother experience for users to interact seamlessly with the Gitopia platform. Gitopia is now supported on Leap Wallet. This addition expands our reach and offers our community members more secure options for asset management. $LORE has been added to Osmosis Frontier, expanding the opportunities for trading and liquidity. The addition of BigDipper and PingPub as explorers for Gitopia has further enriched our ecosystem, providing comprehensive, user-friendly platforms to browse blockchain data. Gitopia made its presence in the Osmosis Twitter space (Updates from the Lab - Gitopia). The interactive session gave us an excellent platform to connect with the community, share insights, and discuss our upcoming plans. If you missed the session, you can catch up on all the exciting conversations by accessing the recording here. Developments in Q2 2023 Beyond our exciting mainnet launch and the conclusion of the Game of $LORE, we've been diligently focusing on platform improvements to ensure a seamless and enriching user experience across Gitopia. Here's a quick look at our development updates: UX Improvements in code collaboration workflows Mainnet Genesis Game of LORE reward calculation Test coverage improvements across all components Various UX improvements in the webapp Improvements in Ledger support in the webapp Added support for $OSMO in Bounties Performance improvements in the git remote helper Added support for fee grant in all components The updates are explained in more detail below: 1. Gitopia Chain: In this quarter, our team has made substantial strides in improving existing features, implementing new ones, enhancing performance, and fortifying test coverage on Gitopia Chain. For a detailed changelog, visit here. Some of the new developments include: Team Vesting: To encourage long-term commitment and ensure a fair distribution of tokens among team members, a custom implementation of Team Vesting was implemented. UX Improvements in code collaboration workflows: We made authorizations required for fork and merging PR, part of user and DAO creation itself, so the users don't have to do this separately. Mainnet Genesis Preparation: Considerable amount of effort went into migrating the testnet state to mainnet genesis, various token allocations, Game of LORE rewards, vesting, and other parameters. Test Coverage Improvement: To ensure the platform's stability and reliability, we put significant effort into enhancing our test coverage. Patch Security Vulnerabilities: We patched the Huckleberry vulnerability in version v2.1.0 and subsequently addressed the Barberry security vulnerability in version v2.1.1. 2. Gitopia Web: This quarter witnessed numerous updates geared towards improving the user experience in our webapp. For a detailed changelog, visit here. Some of the new developments include: UX Improvements: We made several improvements in our webapp to improve the user experience. Listing few of the prominent ones here: Fee grant for new users during onboarding to try out gitopia Improved the design of the repository details page Improved the wallet selection dropdown Improved the dialog boxes of labels, assignees, and reviewers in issues and PR The improved review comments style in the Pull Requests diff view Improvements and fixes in the Ledger support on Web: We improved the support for the Ledger hardware wallet on web and also fixed a couple of transaction encoding issues. Test Coverage Improvement: We have also improved the test coverage in the webapp. We are using the Cypress testing framework for our front-end tests. Added support for $OSMO in Bounties 3. git-remote-gitopia: We've also made significant upgrades to our git remote helper this quarter, including: Git LFS support: We added support for git LFS for repositories with large files. Performance improvements in fetch and push: We replaced go-git with git cli for better performance. Git credential helper: We implemented git credential helper for gitopia for git LFS authentication. Support for fee grant: We added support for fee grant in the git remote helper. For a detailed changelog of git-remote-gitopia, visit here. In summary, the second quarter of 2023 has been a fruitful one for Gitopia, with numerous significant developments taking place. We are looking forward to what the rest of the year brings as we continue our mission to revolutionize code collaboration. Looking Ahead As we close the second quarter of 2023 and look ahead, we want to take a moment to express our deep gratitude to our community. It's your constant support, dedication, and enthusiasm that fuel Gitopia's growth and development. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today. The journey so far has been exhilarating, but we believe the best is yet to come. As we continue to grow and improve, we look forward to welcoming more members to our community, enriching our platforms, and further revolutionizing code collaboration. We're thrilled to announce the enhancements and new functionalities we'll be rolling out in the coming quarter: Activity Feed: Keep track of what's happening on Gitopia. From updates on projects to the latest issues and bounties, the activity feed will provide real-time information for you to find suitable projects to contribute to. Improved Search results: We're fine-tuning the search in Gitopia. Our goal is to ensure that you can find the repositories, issues, DAOs, or any other content you need, quickly and accurately. CI/CD Workflows: We're adding CI/CD workflow support to Gitopia. It's all about streamlining your development: push your code, and automated building, testing, and deployment processes will take it from there. DAO Workflows: We're developing functionalities that will facilitate governance-based management of DAO-owned repositories on Gitopia. In the upcoming quarter, we're also eager to initiate the LORE token airdrops, as mentioned in "The LORE Token Model" blog post. These airdrops are planned for open-source contributors on GitHub and key Cosmos projects including Osmosis (OSMO), Cosmos Hub (ATOM), and Akash Network (AKT). More details regarding these airdrops and the associated tasks required to unlock the rewards will be shared soon. Additionally, we're dedicating our efforts to addressing ongoing challenges such as platform moderation, reducing maintainer fatigue, improving platform governance, and enhancing discovery on Gitopia. Here's to a shared voyage into the new era of decentralized development! About Gitopia Gitopia is the next-generation Decentralized Code Collaboration Platform fuelled by a decentralized network and interactive token economy. It is designed to optimize the Open-source software development process through collaboration, transparency, and incentivization. Follow us Website: Telegram: Discord: Twitter: Forum:
Prepare to embark on an inter-dymensional journey as we depart from 35-C and introduce a whole new exciting and colorful dymension, the long-awaited Incentivized Testnet. DISCLAIMER: ALL THE MATERIALS AND INFORMATION BELOW ARE NOT PROVIDED TO PERSONS WHO ARE CURRENTLY OR ORDINARILY LOCATED OR RESIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES OR ITS TERRITORIES, REGARDLESS OF THE USER'S IP ADDRESS. NONE OF TOKENS HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE REGISTERED UNDER THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED, OR WITH ANY SECURITIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF ANY STATE OR OTHER JURISDICTION OF THE U.S. TOKENS MAY NOT BE OFFERED, SOLD, OR DELIVERED WITHIN THE U.S. TO, OR FOR THE ACCOUNT OR BENEFIT OF, RESTRICTED PERSONS AS DEFINED BELOW. NO OFFERS, SALES, RESALES, OR DELIVERIES OF ANY OF OUR TOKEN PRODUCTS MAY BE MADE IN OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION (INCLUDING THE U.S.), EXCEPT IN CIRCUMSTANCES THAT WILL RESULT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ANY APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. THE TERM "RESTRICTED PERSON" INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, ANY NATURAL PERSON RESIDING IN, OR ANY FIRM, COMPANY, PARTNERSHIP, TRUST, CORPORATION, ENTITY, GOVERNMENT, STATE OR AGENCY OF A STATE, OR ANY OTHER INCORPORATED OR UNINCORPORATED BODY OR ASSOCIATION, ASSOCIATION OR PARTNERSHIP (WHETHER OR NOT HAVING SEPARATE LEGAL PERSONALITY) THAT IS ESTABLISHED AND/OR LAWFULLY EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF, A JURISDICTION IN WHICH SUCH OFFER, SALE, AND/OR PURCHASE OF ANY OF OUR TOKEN PRODUCTS IS UNLAWFUL, PROHIBITED, OR UNAUTHORIZED). PARTICIPATING IN THE FLOOPYLAND INVENTIVIZED TESTNET IS SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS DETAILED IN THIS LINK First, let's recall what 35-C, Dymension's first testnet brought us: The first ever fully modular testnet for RollApps. The first IBC-enabled rollup in blockchain history: RollApp X; and it's brother-in-arms, EVM RollApp the first ever EVM IBC-enabled rollup. Up until now, the Dymension network (35-C) has been a gated domain, allowing only Dymension's core team to deploy RollApps. This is about to change. It's time to reach uncharted realms. We're about to turn the tides and morph Dymension's testnet from a permissioned arena into a permission-less deployment testnet. A new Dymension is coming: Froopyland! Froopyland is a monumental leap towards realizing Dymension's grand vision — the internet of rollups, a public network of networks where we test how a crypto-native internet can look and feel. An internet where every server and every application is an IBC enabled instance able to prove its validity to all. The Incentives Froopyland, in its grand design, is not just about tech brilliance — it's also about stirring enthusiasm and distributing DYM (Dymension's native token) to a community committed to Dymension's vision. Therefore, for a significant part of its journey through time, Froopyland is set to offer incentives. Step into the mind bending world of Froopyland, where 1% of Dymension's total supply awaits the builders, Dymension community and hardcore Rollapes 💈 🦍 RollApp Deployers — 4M DYM RollApp Deployers (bearing the RollApp-fam Discord role): 40% of the reward pool awaits. The Dymension Portal will be a panoramic display of diverse modular RollApps. Think coinmarketcap but instead of coins, RollApps. Worth mentioning, this opportunity is reserved for Dymension community members with the RollApp-fam role. The key to unlocking these incentives lies in deploying a RollApp (made extremely easy with the help of the Roller tool, with rewards distributed in proportion to the RollApp uptime (Bonus for RPC endpoints availability). If you don't have a RollApp-fam role but you're a true builder contact us to describe your experience and your RollApp idea. Validators — 4M DYM Froopyland Validators: In recognition of your future and past efforts in bootstrapping the computational force that secures the Dymension Hub and RollApps, we dedicate 40% (4M DYM) of the incentive pool to the Dymension Hub validators. In order to tap into this reward pool, each validator team is required to deploy its own flagship RollApp. The distribution will be proportional to the uptime of the validator and the RollApp your team deploys. Testing users — 1M DYM Testers: A sweet 10% of the reward pool has been reserved for: Rollapes💈 🦍 (a new Discord role that will be introduced soon) — those of you who wisely interact with the testnet. We appreciate each one of you, irrespective of your technical skills. Top 10 RollApps — 1M DYM Top 10 RollApps, the crème de la crème: This is the opportunity to hit it big folks! and we mean BIG. We've set aside a handsome 10% of the reward pool; 1M DYM for the 10 most awesome RollApps. Strive for excellence, reach for the stars, and your efforts may earn you a stake in the internet of RollApps. Top 10 rewards will be distributed into three brackets: Tier 1: The top 3 RollApps will receive an equal share of 200K DYM each. Tier 2: RollApps ranked 4, 5 and 6 will receive an equal share of 100K DYM each. Tier 3: Each of the last 4 performers will receive an equal share of the 25K DYM. Dymension will launch with a 1B DYM supply. Crunch the numbers yourself and understand the magnitude of this opportunity. So, sleeves up, get creative, and start building as a new dymension is coming to the internet. Stay tuned for the upcoming announcements and the release of the new docs.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our incentivized testnet program for our Layer 1 DPOS (Delegated Proof-of-Stake) chain. BlockX is building a Layer1 Chain and Cross-chain hub that is compatible with both EVM and Comos-based chains with lightning-fast transactions and low cost. This program is designed to gather feedback, fine-tune our network, and reward participants for their valuable contributions. Whether you are a validator or a node operator, this is your opportunity to actively engage in developing our DPOS chain and earn rewards in the process. In this blog post, we will introduce the testnet, outline the tasks, and rewards, and explain how you can join as a participant. Testnet Overview: Our incentivized testnet program is a crucial step in the development of our DPOS chain. By inviting validators and node operators to participate, we aim to stress test and optimize the network, ensuring its robustness and reliability before the mainnet launch. Your active involvement will help us identify and address potential issues, refine our consensus mechanism, and enhance overall performance. To view stats on the current Testnet, goto the ping explorer: or you can use our explorer: Dates The dates for the Incentivized Testnet will be from June 22 2023, 7.00am Eastern Time to July 16 2023, 7.00 am Eastern Time. Validators can join mid-session also and get pro-rate rewards on some tasks which are time-based. Existing validators can start on tasks right after seeing this post and don't have to wait till start date Validator Tasks 1) Set the commission rate between 5% — 7% 2) Claim your staking rewards 3) Delegate at least 100 BCX to another validator 4) Go to and claim free tokens then transfer 5 BCX to your Validator address. This can only be done with the help of Keplr wallet as Keplr allows you to have both a 0x address and a blockx address in the same account. 5) Create a token with the validator name as the token name. 6) Proposal #1 will be created which is a Community Spend proposal type, validators must vote YES 7) Proposal #2 will be created as a Parameter Change proposal type, validators must vote NO Additional details on token creation and deploying on BlockX can be found on these links Remix — Hardhat- Who can Join Existing validators can participate immediately without filling up any forms. They should still submit the closing forms which will be shared later. They should also create an account at the Launchpad New Validators referred by existing Validators can participate immediately. The existing Validator can send a small amount of BlockX Testnet tokens to get them started on node setup. They should fill up the forms below Forms and signups Launchpad: Create a free account at BlockX Ecosystem Fund Launchpad. Read about the Ecosystem fund below. New Vaildators form: Fill up the form below. Setup your node as per the instructions below and perform tests and tasks How to set up a BlockX Node? 1) View Validator Documentation ‍2) Install the repo on a Ubuntu 22 machine ‍3) Fill up the form ‍4) After setup, send your BlockX node wallet address to your referred Validator or BlockX Support ([email protected]) to get Testnet tokens to start the nodes. More details at Rewards 200 USD per task worth paid in tokens in a combination of 25% of the rewards will be transferred as tokens locked for 3 months and vested daily after that for 6 months. Distribution will be within 1 week of the Mainnet date 75% of the rewards will be delegated to the node operated by the Validator in the Mainnet. Those who have purchased at least 100,000 BlockX Ventures Ecosystem Fund tokens (BXVX) for Launchpad can choose to receive 50% rewards in BXVX and 50% in BCX (Chain token). Details for the proof of purchase and the choice can be given in the Testnet closing form. Tokens will be valued at standard ICO prices of public rounds when distributing Rewards will be distributed based on the quality and quantity of your contributions. The more tasks you complete, the more rewards you will earn. More details on the specific reward structure will be communicated to participants upon joining the testnet program. The Reward Tokens BlockX Chain token (BCX) — BlockX Chain is a Layer1 Chain and Cross-Chain Hub enabling a new generation of applications at lightning-fast transaction speeds, low costs, and AI-based security. BCX is the token for gas fees and staking rewards in BlockX. See for more details. BlockX Ecosystem Fund (BXVX) — BlockX Ecosystem is aiming to create a fund for developing the ecosystem of BlockX with several mainstream apps. In addition to creating the applications internally, the fund will also allocate funds towards market making of all BlockX projects including BCX. Holders of BXVX will get airdropped 0.25 of every project tokens for every 1 BXVX that they hold on distribution time. All tokens that will be airdropped below have 6 months lockup period post-distribution and 18 month vesting period after that. Project tokens will be delivered on TGE and BCX tokens will be delivered on Mainnet Launch. Details of specific projects will be announced later. Preliminary information is at The following projects represent the collection of projects: DEX & DeFi Platform Metaverse0x Social Media Platform AI Marketplace Gaming Hub BlockAria Dungeons Game XROS — AR/VR Platform BlockX Layer 1 Chain BlockX Ventures Ecosystem Fund token (BXVX) can be purchased at BlockX Launchpad By joining our incentivized testnet program, you have the opportunity to actively contribute to the development of our DPOS chain while earning rewards for your efforts. Your engagement will not only help us improve the network's performance but also ensure its reliability and security. We value your feedback and look forward to building a strong and collaborative community as we move towards the mainnet launch. Together, let's create a DPOS chain that sets new standards of excellence! Join our incentivized testnet today and let's revolutionize the blockchain landscape together!
Smart contracts 1. Meet with the Smart Contracts Once you reach this stage, you are starting to develop a solid understanding of governance in the OKP4 protocol and an idea of how it is implemented, mainly through its powerful Prolog logical interpreter. In the upcoming chapters, I will delve more concretely into the different building blocks that shape the on-chain governance implementation, unveiling the architectural and technical specifics of the OKP4 protocol. 1.1 CosmWasm CosmWasm is the smart contract platform used by the OKP4 protocol. It offers a secure and efficient environment for executing smart contracts in multiple programming languages. One language in particular, Rust, stands out for its emphasis on safety, performance, and concurrency. We utilize Rust to build secure and efficient smart contracts within the OKP4 ecosystem, leveraging its benefits. 1.2 Storage-oriented Smart Contracts Ensuring proper mechanisms for storing and querying information in the blockchain is of utmost importance. Due to the diverse nature of information, it becomes necessary to have different types of storage to address specific requirements. Within the OKP4 protocol, we have introduced a class of smart contracts called "storage-oriented smart contracts." These contracts act as reliable repositories, offering secure, efficient, and auditable storage and retrieval of various data types on the blockchain. We have specifically focused on two classes of smart contracts: object storage and semantic storage. These smart contracts act as a foundational support layer for implementing governance, making them vital for its existence. 1.2.1 The Objectarium The Objectarium smart contract enables the storage of arbitrary unstructured Objects in any Cosmos blockchain. It provides a flexible solution for storing data without imposing strict schemas or predefined structures, accommodating various data formats and types. Key concepts Object: In the context of the Objectarium smart contract, an object refers to a piece of data stored on the blockchain. It can represent various types of information, such as documents, binary files, or any other digital content. Objects are immutable once stored and are identified by their cryptographic hash, which can be generated using algorithms like MD5 or SHA256. This ensures the integrity and security of the stored data, as any modification to the object would result in a different hash value. Bucket: The smart contract is organized around buckets. A bucket represents a logical container within the Objectarium smart contract instance that groups related Objects together. It acts as a storage unit for Objects and provides a context for managing and organizing them. Each bucket has a unique name and is associated with a set of configurations and limits that define its behaviour and characteristics. Pin: Pin refers to a mechanism that allows users to mark or "pin" specific objects within a bucket. Pinning an object serves as a way to ensure that the object remains in storage and cannot be removed (this is called "forgotten"). It provides protection and guarantees that the pinned object will persist in the protocol. When an object is pinned, it is associated with the identity (or sender) that performed the pinning action. Instantiation The Objectarium smart contract should be instantiated before being used, and an instance creates a bucket. The instantiation of the Objectarium smart contract allows the definition of usage policies, including limits on the maximum total size, object size, and number of objects, as well as the configuration of a hash algorithm for generating unique identifiers. Mutations Store Object: Allows the user to store an object in the bucket. The sender becomes the object's owner, referenced by the hash of its content. If the object is already stored, an error is returned. The user can pin the object, preventing its removal from storage. Additionally, the user can specify a compression algorithm to reduce storage space, although it may increase CPU usage and gas cost. Forget Object Unpins the object from the bucket for the sender and removes it from storage if it is no longer pinned. However, if other senders pin the object, it remains in storage, and an error is returned. Pin Object: The user can pin an object in the bucket for the sender. While an object is pinned, it cannot be removed from storage. Unpin Object: Allows the user to unpin an object from the bucket for the sender. Once unpinned, the object can be removed from storage if there are no other pins. Queries Bucket: Retrieves information about the bucket, including its name, configuration, limits… Object: Retrieves information about a specific object given its identifier, including the owner, pin status, size, compressed size, and compression algorithm. Objects: Retrieves a list of objects in the bucket with support for pagination. It allows filtering by the owner's address, limiting the number of objects returned and starting at a specific point in the sequence. Object Data: Retrieves the content of a specific object based on its identifier. Object Pins: Retrieves a list of addresses that have pinned a specific object with support for pagination. 1.2.2 The Cognitarium The Cognitarium smart contract facilitates the storage and querying of semantic data using RDF (Resource Description Framework), which represents information as semantic triples. In essence, it serves as a repository for knowledge, providing a dedicated space for storing and retrieving semantic information within any Cosmos blockchains. Key concepts Semantic Triples: The Cognitarium smart contract implements a variant of a triple store (, a data structure used to store and query RDF (Resource Description Framework) triples. RDF triples consist of subject-predicate-object statements that represent relationships between entities. Data Formats: The Cognitarium smart contract supports multiple data formats for serializing/de-serializing RDF triples, such as RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples, and N-Quads. The data format can be specified where relevant, allowing users to interact with the smart contract using their preferred format. Contract Owner Authorization: Only the smart contract owner, i.e., the address that instantiated the contract, can perform mutations (inserting and deleting data) on the Cognitarium. This authorization mechanism ensures that only trusted entities can modify the smart contract's state. Instantiation: The Cognitarium smart contract should be instantiated before being used, and an instance creates a logical container where triples are stored. By instantiating the smart contract, you can define limitations on the use of storage. These limitations include the maximum number of triples, the maximum byte size, the maximum triple size, the maximum query limit, the maximum number of query variables, the maximum insert data byte size and the maximum number of insert data triples, … Configuring these limitations is crucial to ensure the security and performance of the contract instance. It is important to adjust them according to the desired contract policy. Mutations: Insert Data: Inserts RDF triples into the store. It allows to specification the data format (e.g. RDF XML, Turtle, NTriples, NQuads), which specifies how the triples are de-serialized, and the data itself in binary format. Delete Data: Deletes RDF triples from the store based on specified patterns defined by a query. The previous mutations can only be performed by the smart contract owner, which refers to the address that instantiated the contract. Queries: Queries provide a means to access knowledge. However, it is essential to note that due to the constrained environment in which smart contracts execute, the Cognitarium may offer different query flexibility than a traditional database. However, it still provides a functional range that allows targeted access to knowledge in a suitable representation, ensuring access to the desired information. Select: The Select query allows users to retrieve semantic resources that meet specific criteria defined in the query. By executing a Select query, the Cognitarium returns a result set of resources that match the specified conditions. Users can define the query parameters, such as prefixes, select items (variables to be replaced), a WHERE clause for filtering, and an optional limit on the number of results. The Select query provides a flexible way to retrieve specific data from the semantic store. Describe: The Describe query is used to obtain a detailed description of a specific resource identified by an IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier). The Describe query enables users to retrieve a comprehensive representation of a resource's attributes and relationships in a format that suits their needs. By executing a Describe query, the smart contract returns a set of RDF triples that describe the resource in question. Users can specify the resource to describe using its IRI and the desired format for the serialized triples (e.g., RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples, N-Quads). It should be noted that these two query forms are subject to the limitations set in the contract instance. These limitations are in place to ensure security, performance, and resource management within the smart contract environment. They define constraints such as the maximum number of triples returned by a Select query, the maximum number of variables that can be selected, and the maximum size of an insert data query. 1.3 Sovereignty-oriented Smart Contracts 1.3.1 The "sovereignty" class As you already know, smart contracts are self-executing agreements with terms directly written in code, stored and executed on a blockchain. Among these contracts, the OKP4 protocol recognizes a specific class: sovereignty-oriented smart contracts. These contracts are designed to prioritize the sovereignty of the involved parties by allowing them to define and enforce their own rules and regulations. For further information on this topic, please refer to Part I of this saga. The implementation of on-chain governance in the OKP4 protocol relies on this specific class of smart contracts, with the first one being responsible for the legislative aspects of governance: The Law Stone. 1.3.2 The Law Stone The Law-Stone is a highly versatile smart contract designed to apply and enforce legislative rules, including Zone rules, Consents, and Agreements. It offers extraordinary adaptability and can be utilized in any blockchain within the Cosmos ecosystem that seeks to establish robust and flexible on-chain governance systems. With its exceptional proficiency in evaluating logical rules, Law-Stone can be applied across various use cases. The smart contract has two sides: The side of the "Law": Indeed, the smart contract interprets the law, i.e. makes a judgement on what is legal, permissible or prohibited according to the result of execution of the rules of governance informed by the knowledge available at the time of this interpretation. The side of the "Stone": The instantiation of the smart contract engraves in stone the rules to be interpreted, and these are immutable, irrevocable, and indisputable unless the stone is broken. Key concepts Prolog: Yes, you know it already; the well-known Logic Programming Language is used to encode the law rules and facts in the OKP4 protocol. The Prolog program, which carries the immutable Laws, is provided during the contract's instantiation, symbolically engraving them into a Stone. The Stone: Similar to the laws engraved on stone tablets, the Law Stone represents an intangible and unalterable foundation of legal principles within the contract. Once carved in the stone, which occurs during the instantiation of the smart contract, the laws become indisputable, ensuring their strength, effects, and application. One instance — one stone — one law: This principle implies that each instance of the Law-Stone smart contract represents a distinct Law (i.e. governance), ensuring the separation and independence of the laws. Each instance's unique power, effects, and scope define its specific governance. Objectarium storage: In the Law-Stone smart contract, the responsibility for storing logical programs is delegated to the Objectarium smart contract. By separating the storage functionality from the Objectarium, the Law-Stone contract can focus on interpreting the Prolog programs. At the same time, the Objectarium handles the secure and efficient storage of Prolog programs. This design choice aligns with the principle of Single Responsibility, ensuring that each contract focuses on its specific task. Law Composability: The principle of "Law Composability" allows for the reusability and composition of the Prolog code. By leveraging the "consult/1" predicate, logical Prolog code can be imported from the Objectarium, enabling the construction of new logic programs by combining existing pieces of rules. This flexibility promotes modularity and code composition, facilitating the creation of intricate and tailored legal logic within the Law Stone contract. Break the Stone: Refers to the specific and irreversible action that renders the contract null and unusable. This metaphorical term symbolizes the act of terminating the agreement by breaking the stone on which its words are inscribed. By breaking the rock, the contract is effectively rendered inoperable, preventing any further execution of queries, actions, or interactions. Due to its irreversible consequences and the potential effects it could generate, the authorization to break the stone is typically restricted to the contract administrator. Instantiation: The Law-Stone smart contract requires instantiation before it can be used, creating a new Stone where the law is engraved. By instantiating the smart contract, you provide the Prolog program containing the law rules and facts, along with the address of the Objectarium contract where the logical program will be stored. Mutation: Break the Stone: As its name suggests, this operation breaks the stone, making the contract unusable. It clears all the related resources, such as unpinning pinned objects on the Objectarium contract and forgetting the Prolog program. Only the contract admin, if any, can execute this message. Query: Ask: Enables users to seek the interpretation of the law, obtaining judgments on what is deemed legal, permissible, or prohibited. This interpretation of the law is intricately tied to the context at hand, which encompasses a set of accepted facts such as the state of the blockchain or the available knowledge. Questioning the law is the foundational process that gives birth to governance, as it yields answers that establish the rules and boundaries in a specific context. 1.3.3 The Pactum The Pactum smart contract is designed to streamline and automate the execution of agreements involving multiple parties. In contrast to the Law-Stone, which primarily focuses on expressing or stating the law, the Pactum's core function is to actively execute the law by the predefined terms outlined in the agreement. By leveraging the power of Prolog provided by the Law-Stone smart contract, the Pactum facilitates the seamless implementation of agreed-upon terms and ensures the proper enforcement of contractual obligations. This smart contract is essential in the governance framework implemented in the OKP4 protocol, particularly in regulating the orchestration of digital resources, which involves many parties. Key concepts Agreement: An agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms, conditions, and obligations each party agrees to abide by. This agreement is represented by a Prolog program engraved in a Law-Stone instance. Sealing Conditions: This segment of the agreement delineates the prerequisites that must be fulfilled for the contract to be deemed complete and unmodifiable, ensuring its readiness for execution. For instance: Required Approvals / Signatures: These conditions ascertain when all parties consider the agreement approved or accepted. Token Holdings: These conditions verify if the token quantities held by each party align with the agreed-upon requirements. Contract Effect: This segment of the agreement outlines the anticipated results or actions expected to occur upon the successful execution of the contract, encompassing activities such as fund transfers or other specified effects. In the forthcoming articles delving into the OKP4 protocol, there will be a detailed exploration of the Pactum smart contract, specifically within the context of Orchestration.
Join Opside's Incentivized Pre-alpha Testnet Campaign and earn Loyalty Points on Galxe! Cheered up by enthusiasm and positive sentiment around the Linea Voyage Campaign, we're teaming up with Opside to bring you another unprecedented opportunity to sneak peak into the future of blockchain technology! Backed by NGC Ventures and Ventures, Opside is a decentralized ZK-RaaS (ZK-Rollup-as-a-Service) network featuring Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) mining. With rollup SDKs and hybrid consensus of PoW and PoS, Opside envisions and strives for a future that's more decentralized, scalable, and secure. With the launch of its pre-alpha testnet, Opside invites you on a thrilling ride through a world of cutting-edge blockchain solutions, inventive gaming experiences, and unmatched community engagement! Welcome to the exhilarating Opside Pre-alpha Testnet Carnival on Galxe, where you will unveil and experience the power of Opside's features, scalability, and security, while joining a community of early adopters and pioneers to discover the innovative potential of the Opside network before its official launch. Throughout the Carnival, you are challenged to complete a series of on and off-chain tasks to gain deeper understanding of Opside's initiatives, bridge on Opside's testnet, create and deploy your own ZK-Rollup, and more! You can then claim and accumulate Loyalty Points on Galxe by successfully completing the tasks to rank up on Opside's leaderboard and unlock exclusive benefits. Loyalty points, according to Opside team, can be redeemed as mainnet token at a later stage. Step right up and witness history in the making at the Opside Pre-alpha Testnet Carnival! Let's explore a new frontier in blockchain technology together! Join the Carnival now! About Galxe Galxe is the leading platform for building web3 community. With over 10 million unique users to date, Galxe has propelled the growth of Optimism, Polygon, Arbitrum, and more than 2400 partners with reward-based loyalty programs. Start your campaign today at! Your Web3 Community is Waiting Website | Docs | Twitter | Medium | Discord | Telegram | Newsletter
This year, Althea is evolving towards fulfilling its original vision, becoming a global, decentralized, multi-entity ecosystem. We're excited to launch a series of blog posts along with the rebrand of the Althea website in anticipation of Althea L1: the settlement layer for open-access infrastructure. Althea L1 is a purpose-built hybrid EVM blockchain for connectivity and networked utilities, the first to be engineered from the ground up, together with its community of users. This is the first in a series of posts that detail the vision of Althea, its history, its technical foundations, and where it's heading. The Althea Vision Althea's telecom stack and Layer 1 blockchain enable the future of communication between autonomous machines and humans: composable and automatic interconnections, interactions, and transactions. Today's legacy telecom systems create artificial dead-ends and silos via rental models and inefficient connection agreements. Instead, Althea imagines a future where: You can buy, sell and fund telecom and infrastructure assets in new ways. You can own a mile of fiber optic cable or part of a telecom tower without having to buy the entire ISP or business. The friction of building and connecting networks is removed. Traffic and payments flow seamlessly and synchronously across networks, creating open markets instead of silos. The cost of connectivity goes down while the availability of bandwidth goes up. Prepaid, accessible billing meets people where they are, making underserved areas economically viable. There are no more plastic cards or invoices — all payments are performed via seamless machine-to-machine interactions. Building decentralized infrastructure products and services is easy, with open access to Althea's hardware-agnostic, purpose-built settlement layer: a Stripe for machine-to-machine transactions. Althea's Foundations: 2018 to 2023 In 2018, founders Jehan Tremback, Justin Kilpatrick, and Deborah Simpier observed that telecom and infrastructure networks were expensive, brittle, and inaccessible not because there wasn't enough capital or manpower, but because the systems were fundamentally flawed. And in a small Oregon town with slow, costly, and unreliable internet, the first Althea network was born.*Ec3Y8inZ_8duwYdoiwppxA.jpeg Through the following years, the Althea price-aware mesh routing protocol (Babeld) and billing stack (Rita) solved many communities' connectivity problems. These protocols enable flexible billing and "always on" free tiers, encouraging sustainable connectivity via novel systems of revenue share and multi-entity ownership.*nlvAuGa2_kjRpEwKUk_NaA.png Instead of creating a blockchain with no users and trying to adapt it to real-world use cases, Althea's founders started building on the accessible xDai (Gnosis) chain, which allowed for rapid iteration, deployment in real-world settings, and a continuous feedback loop with early users. This tight feedback loop forged a system that aligns users, network operators, and autonomous machines. Althea works for everyone. Many different entities began to use Althea technology to solve connectivity problems, from communities in Nigeria, to farmers in Indiana, to OEM auto manufacturers. Today, Althea technology has been deployed in 10 US states and 4 countries.*eLfWuV1K04ZlCazUOw7rRA.jpeg And these diverse use-cases spawned new, composable tooling that augments the Althea stack. For example, AgFiber — Althea-enabled fiber optic cable deployed for farm machinery — and KeyLTE — an embedded packet core in the home router — further empower users in their choices and deployment of networked infrastructure. They also demonstrate that Althea is hardware agnostic: it works across everything from LTE to fixed wireless, WiFi, or fiber optic.*JSCsdLKPEhstZUCNAU1rvw.jpeg Conduit for an Althea fiber optic network ready to be deployed in Illinois. In early 2020, the Althea protocol began to outgrow the xDai chain, accounting for over two-thirds of the chain's transactions. It became increasingly clear that Althea's vision of becoming the global settlement layer for connected devices and networked infrastructure requires a purpose-built chain, designed for open-access infrastructure. The New Machine Economy Althea is not just a technology stack; it is the foundation of a new economic system, one that serves both humans and autonomous machines. This new machine economy must enable both new builders and existing entities to coordinate and transact utilizing a robust and reliable settlement layer without having to build bespoke technical infrastructure. Its settlement layer must provide: High reliability and up-time Specificity of block space Flexibility and composability for easy application development Agnostic and credible neutrality Multi-chain integrations Through analyzing these requirements, we landed upon the final specification of Althea L1. In future blog posts, we'll take deeper dives into the Althea L1 blockchain and the novel paradigms it enables, such as Liquid Infrastructure. In the meantime, if you're interested in learning more about Althea, come connect with us! __________
Lava Network is a marketplace for RPC calls, enabling developers to access blockchain data through APIs in a secure, decentralized, and scalable manner. The decentralized web has grown too complex to manage node infrastructure, leading to rate-limited public endpoints and centralized providers. These solutions have limitations, including censorship concerns, persistent throttling issues, and a tragedy of the commons problem. To address these issues, Lava Network has emerged as a trustless peer-to-peer marketplace for RPC calls, enabling developers to be matched with node operators on any chain to communicate between dApps and their blockchain of choice. Scalability and Robustness at the Core of Lava The key feature of Lava Network is its scalability and robustness, designed to handle high transaction volumes, minimize gas fees during peak periods, and reduce on-chain data. Through backfilling, separation of roles, vertical scaling, and data minimization, Lava Network ensures high quality node service by holding providers accountable using cryptographically signed messages and aligned token incentives. As a result, the network eliminates the censorship concerns that come with centralized providers and encourages network redundancy to ensure uptime. Conflict Detection and Resolution for Trust and Security One of Lava Network's critical features is Conflict Detection and Resolution, which ensures the network operates accurately and smoothly. Providers are incentivized to provide honest data, and malicious or faulty actors are disincentivized through slashing, burning, and jailing. This mechanism promotes trust and security, as well as accurate and fresh data on the blockchain. Privacy Protection Lava Network is committed to privacy and minimizes profiling abilities by randomly distributing Consumer relays to Providers on the Pairing List. The network also implements a mixer mechanism that eliminates the possibility of Providers creating a fragmented image of a Consumer's query history, ensuring private pairing and communication. This approach ensures that user data and privacy are protected. Lava Network's Vision and Mission Lava Network's vision and mission are centered on the belief that blockchain data should be accurate and that access to this data should be scalable, private, and uncensored. The Lava team aims to power a market for blockchain data with aligned token incentives and an open-source protocol for RPC nodes and APIs. As the network expands, Lava Network's modular onboarding of new blockchains will support each ecosystem of applications, making it easier for developers to access blockchain data across different chains, geographies, and API specifications. Conclusion In conclusion, Lava Network provides a secure, decentralized, and censorship-resistant marketplace for RPC calls, enabling developers to access blockchain data in a scalable and reliable manner. Its innovative approach promotes network redundancy, incentivizes accurate and fresh data on the blockchain, and promotes trust and security. Therefore the Lava Network advances the transition to decentralized ownership and new mechanisms to solve complex coordination and financing issues.
We've spoken about it recently, but now we're happy to announce the launch of Agamotto, Ojo's Network that is now live! This launch phase brings us one step closer to our goal; to become the first cross-chain price oracle to generate authentic, real-time price feeds for all IBC assets in the Cosmos ecosystem. Today will mark the start of our launch into the mainnets of a number of permissionless chains within the Cosmos ecosystem. These platforms will be receiving manipulation-proof feeds on the prices of the tokens that our validators will be providing for Cosmos-first IBC assets with sufficient liquidity. DeFi protocols can now start to adopt these feeds from the moment we deploy a contract to them. Our validators will be running our price feeder to access multiple APIs to collect a wide range of price data off-chain that will then be voted upon and communicated in real-time to these chains. We're up to an 18-second latency on price feeds, which is a massive improvement up the previous 30-second speed. The goal is to eventually get to a point where we can provide feeds for more than 60 assets to protocols within the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond! Stay tuned to see which IBC tokens we will be relaying feeds for in the next couple of weeks! With the launch of Agamotto, we'll also be testing out a new airdrop module, as a chance to improve the community reward system going forward. Keep an eye out for announcements on that very soon. As DeFi grows to become more commonplace, we rise with it to become the first Cosmos price oracle, soon to provide true and secure price feeds for all Cosmos and cross-chain assets. Learn more about us on the Ojo Network, or join our Discord to get the latest updates!