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Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2024, 2025, 2026-2030

Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction

  • Bullish BGB price prediction for 2024 is $4.3774 to $8.7802.
  • Bitget Token (BGB) price might reach $10 soon.
  • Bearish (BGB) price prediction for 2024 is $0.6587.

In this Bitget Token (BGB) price prediction 2024, 2025-2030, we will analyze the price patterns of BGB by using accurate trader-friendly technical analysis indicators and predict the future movement of the cryptocurrency.

  • Bitget Token Current Market Status
  • What is Bitget Token (BGB)?
  • Bitget Token (BGB) 24H Technicals
Bitget Token (BGB) PRICE PREDICTION 2024​
  • Bitget Token (BGB) Support and Resistance Levels
  • Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2024 — RVOL, MA, and RSI
  • Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2024 — ADX, RVI
  • Comparison of BGB with BTC, ETH
Bitget Token (BGB) PRICE PREDICTION 2025, 2026, 2027-2030

Bitget Token (BGB) Current Market Status

Current Price$4.25
24 – Hour Trading Volume$341.29M
Market Cap$5.94B
Circulating Supply1.4B BGB

[TD]24 – Hour Price Change[/TD]
[TD]16.51% Up[/TD]

[TD]All – Time High[/TD]
[TD]$4.24 (On Dec 18, 2024) [/TD]
[TD]All – Time Low[/TD]
[TD]$0.05836 (On Aug 11, 2021) [/TD]
BGB Current Market Status (Source: CoinMarketCap)​

What is Bitget Token (BGB)

CATEGORYExchange Token
UTILITIESGovernance,Transactions, gas fees & rewards

Bitget Token (BGB) was launched in 2021 as the utility token for Bitget, one of the largest crypto exchanges. The token is utilized for governance, to facilitate transactions and as tokens for loyalty. The cryptocurrency recently hit a new all-time high on December 11 as the crypto market turned bullish.

Moreover, the Bitget exchange has been gaining popularity within the community. It has made several advancements in the past year. Recently, the exchange re-entered the UK markets after receiving approval from the FCA in November 2024.

Bitget Token 24H Technicals


(Source: TradingView)

Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2024

Bitget Token (BGB) ranks 27th on CoinMarketCap in terms of its market capitalization. The overview of the Bitget Token price prediction for 2024 is explained below with a daily time frame.


BGB/USDT Ascending Channel Pattern (Source: TradingView)

In the above chart, Bitget Token (BGB) laid out an Ascending Channel pattern. An ascending channel, or rising channel, is a bullish pattern that forms when an asset’s price makes higher highs and higher lows. The price moves between two parallel trend lines—an upper line connecting the higher highs and a lower line connecting the higher lows. As the channel slopes upward, it signals a continued uptrend. Traders see this as a positive sign, with the price likely to keep rising as long as it stays within the channel.

At the time of analysis, the price of Bitget Token (BGB) was recorded at $4.1804. If the pattern trend continues, then the price of BGB might reach the resistance level of $4.3272, and $7.8220. If the trend reverses, then the price of BGB may fall to the support of $2.9422 and $2.4215.

Bitget Token (BGB) Resistance and Support Levels

The chart given below elucidates the possible resistance and support levels of Bitget Token (BGB) in 2024.


BGB/USDT Resistance and Support Levels (Source: TradingView)

From the above chart, we can analyze and identify the following as resistance and support levels of Bitget Token (BGB) for 2024.

Resistance Level 1$4.3774
Resistance Level 2$8.7802
Support Level 1$1.7355
Support Level 2$0.6587
BGB Resistance & Support Levels

Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2024 — RVOL, MA, and RSI

The technical analysis indicators such as Relative Volume (RVOL), Moving Average (MA), and Relative Strength Index (RSI) of Bitget Token (BGB) are shown in the chart below.


BGB/USDT RVOL, MA, RSI (Source: TradingView)

From the readings on the chart above, we can make the following inferences regarding the current Bitget Token (BGB) market in 2024.

50-Day Moving Average (50MA)Nature of the current trend by comparing the average price over 50 days50 MA =$1.8290
Price = $4.1011
(50MA< Price)
Relative Strength Index (RSI)Magnitude of price change;Analyzing oversold & overbought conditions86.9262
<30 = Oversold
50-70 = Neutral
>70 = Overbought
Relative Volume (RVOL)Asset’s trading volume in relation to its recent average volumesBelow cutoff lineWeak volume

Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2024 — ADX, RVI

In the below chart, we analyze the strength and volatility of Bitget Token (BGB) using the following technical analysis indicators — Average Directional Index (ADX) and Relative Volatility Index (RVI).


BGB/USDT ADX, RVI (Source: TradingView)

From the readings on the chart above, we can make the following inferences regarding the price momentum of Bitget Token (BGB).

Average Directional Index (ADX)Strength of the trend momentum75.0783Very Strong Trend
Relative Volatility Index (RVI)Volatility over a specific period82.50
<50 = Low
>50 = High
High Volatility

Comparison of BGB with BTC, ETH

Let us now compare the price movements of Bitget Token (BGB) with that of Bitcoin (BTC), and Ethereum (ETH).


BTC Vs ETH Vs BGB Price Comparison (Source: TradingView)

From the above chart, we can interpret that the price action of BGB is similar to that of BTC and ETH. That is, when the price of BTC and ETH increases or decreases, the price of BGB also increases or decreases respectively.

Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2025, 2026 – 2030

With the help of the aforementioned technical analysis indicators and trend patterns, let us predict the price of Bitget Token (BGB) between 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030.

Year Bullish Price Bearish Price
Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2025$11$0.5
Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2026$12$0.4
Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2027$13$0.3
Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2028$14$0.2
Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2029$15$0.1
Bitget Token (BGB) Price Prediction 2030$16$0.09


If Bitget Token (BGB) establishes itself as a good investment in 2024, this year would be favorable to the cryptocurrency. In conclusion, the bullish Bitget Token (BGB) price prediction for 2024 is $8.7802. Comparatively, if unfavorable sentiment is triggered, the bearish Bitget Token (BGB) price prediction for 2024 is $0.6587.

If the market momentum and investors’ sentiment positively elevates, then Bitget Token (BGB) might hit $10. Furthermore, with future upgrades and advancements in the Bitget ecosystem, BGB might surpass its current all-time high (ATH) of $4.24 and mark its new ATH.


1. What is Bitget Token (BGB)?

Bitget Token (BGB) is the native utility token of Bitget, a crypto centralized exchange (CEX). The updated BGB token was launched in July 2021 with the aim of providing platform users with a form of payment within the ecosystem.

2. Where can you purchase Bitget Token (BGB)?

Bitget Token (BGB) can be purchased directly on the Bitget exchange. BGB is also available for trading on Bitfinex.

3. Will Bitget Token (BGB) reach a new ATH soon?

With the ongoing developments and upgrades within the Bitget exchange platform, BGB has a high possibility of reaching its ATH soon.

4. What is the current all-time high (ATH) of Bitget Token (BGB)?

On December 18, 2024, Bitget Token (BGB) reached its new all-time high (ATH) of $4.24.

5. What is the lowest price of Bitget Token (BGB)?

According to CoinMarketCap, BGB hit its all-time low (ATL) of $0.05836 on Aug 11, 2021.

6. Will Bitget Token (BGB) reach $10?

If the bullish trend continues and if Bitget Token (BGB) retests its resistance levels, it will hit $10 soon.

7. What will be the Bitget Token (BGB) price by 2025?

Bitget Token (BGB) price is expected to reach $11 by 2025.

8. What will be the Bitget Token (BGB) price by 2026?

Bitget Token (BGB) price is expected to reach $12 by 2026.

9. What will be the Bitget Token (BGB) price by 2027?

Bitget Token (BGB) price is expected to reach $13 by 2027.

10. What will be the Bitget Token (BGB) price by 2028?

Bitget Token (BGB) price is expected to reach $14 by 2028.

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Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in this chart is solely the author’s. It does not represent any investment advice. TheNewsCrypto team encourages all to do their own research before investing.